Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hello???? Anyone?

My daily routine is...Wake up, play fifa, hang out on the internet and go to sleep then repeat the next day, but during the day I usually spend the day alone. Not having a phone is kind of getting to me cause I just want some communication with someone. I know I sound a bit lonely, but then again I'm the one who chose to be without a phone yet in reality I don't need a phone to talk to someone I just want someone to talk to and by someone that can mean a friend, stranger, male or female.

Lately tho I've been wondering can I be successful in life? Honestly I have no idea what my talents or strengths are I mean I have no idea what I want to do with my life I'm kind of scared that I might not be anything, but become a failure. All this stems from the pressure my parents are putting on me cause they just want me to leave soon and I understand I mean I'm growing older and I need to sprout wings and go, but I'm stuck in a hole cause of things I will not go into. I'm hoping soon I can start doing everything I want to do cause honestly I really want a College Education, but I can't afford that at the moment.

Also parents and siblings love cracking jokes cause I don't have a girlfriend lmao...Honestly I don't think I've been a good bf the last couple of times. I kept a few under raps cause I didn't want things to be public with a few of them. Also I don't think I've been a good bf since Yari left me, but don't think I miss Yari cause I don't I'm just analyzing that I haven't been a good bf which is true cause I honestly did see the break up coming. I gotta keep a calm head and be a good guy like Jim, but honestly not dating for a year has opened my eyes to self discovery I mean it might sound like bullshit, but I don't think it is cause I've felt like I have made a lot of progress in a year and I finally know what kind of person I am.

May sound like complete horse shit, but I think a lot and since I'm home alone a lot I since at home and just ponder things and a whole year of thinking has really helped me. I love you blog and who ever reads this.
I know you listen to this crazy weirdo like me <3

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