Friday, October 21, 2011

First Step

Well first blog entry, I will admit that I'm a ranter not a blogger. Well you might say that being a ranter and a blogger are the same thing, but honestly I see differences in both styles. Technically I am blogging my frustration or idea I guess it's dealers choice. Well let's be honest here I wanted to blog because I usually have a ton of ideas running through my head and I have nowhere to write them down and since I love my laptop. Blogging seemed like the healthy and perfect choice for me. I mean it's a healthy way of expressing myself instead of all that cutting and self harm which I never understood, but I guess it's a way of getting out what's bothering you.

I'm going to use my blog to rant and type down ideas or just ramble about topics that I find to be interesting, I'm a jokester and people usually never know when I'm being serious so blogging and ranting helps me be that serious person. It's a balance, humor and peace now I wonder how many people will believe that since my joking out weighs my seriousness usually and people think it's a big joke lol which sucks at times. Now after my entry I should really fix up the look of my blog cause it's so plain and dull kinda like my dating life *rim shot* lol and I hope you know I'm talking about a comedic rim shot. Well let's get a bit serious, I'll ask myself a honest question and I hope you ask yourself the same. "Am I Happy?" I ask myself this cause it's been a hectic week for myself and I think I wasn't too happy this week for the fact being a struggling middle class is tough and with all the bills piling up. I do my share of work to try to pay off bills which is tough also my struggling with myself to decide if I wanna be single or do I want companionship, but to be honest I don't think I can handle that right now.

Yet seriously wake up and reflect on what you did you yesterday and ask yourself "Did I have a good day?" I mean people usually wake up and just go through the day not giving a fuck which doesn't seem to productive now does it? I woke up and took my lil brother to his kindergarden class and I asked myself what productive think can you do today? The only thing I came up with was blogging and it's seems like its been productive I mean I got the ol' brain working instead of looking at random shit for 5 hours and then say, "I'm bored" which reminds me I wish I had some weed. Yet coffee does miracles and woke me right up well tomorrow is going to be Saturday and I'm going to ask myself a question to ponder throughout the day and I'll blog a bit more tomorrow after I get some English Premier League Soccer in my system.

-At the end of the day I'm walking with the heart of a lion

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