Thursday, April 19, 2012

Better to have

I've never been much for pitying myself, but lately I've been on the shitty luck spree and when it comes to women they sure do love messing with me. So every girl that had a crush on me won't give me the time of day which is cool, I guess it was only a matter of time. I hate fact I've been told lately that I NEED a gf I mean seriously why do I need one I'm not in the frame to have one and then deal with my own life. I'm tried of all the talking that I need one or that I need to go and converse with women to get my feet in the water, but blah blah fuck off. I'm sick of the pushing and nagging I just want to live a normal simple life I mean I am only 20 the fuck do I need a gf for and don't state the stupid fact of sex cause your a moron if you mentioned that to yourself. I'm sociable so talking to a chick isn't difficult, I just don't feel like doing anything I want to focus on myself I just want this commentator thing to work out and hopefully soon I can enroll in college I want to be someone in life. Then again who doesn't want to become someone in life.

I don't wanna ramble so I'll get down to the basics...I'm sad, lonely and women keep fucking with my emotions, but um I'll just put on the straight face I've been putting on since 8 months ago...Every time I get out of a relationship I immediately jump into another I'm seriously that worst person to be in a relationship with. Anyways I'm sad as shit and I decided to blog cause I don't talk to anyone on how I feel I keep everything bottled up, but yeah 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

1 Step Closer

Lately I have felt very anxious and a bit psychotic...I blame my nerves and my anxiety certain points during the day I get overwhelming feelings of anxiety than make me pace around my room and I start knock things over and panic. I don't know why I get these sudden feelings I have had walking and trying to get away from my usual routines, but nothing has helped to be honest this has gotten bad to the point I couldn't make any commentary vids. I've just been under a lot of pressure and my anxiety hasn't been helping me when I get an anxiety attack I close my eyes and I try controlling my breathing. Honestly I'm a very private person I don't like putting my stuff out there for the world to see, but I think I might just level with my blog and just post what I can't express to others...I mean I know me typing this on my blog people will be able to see it, but no one really knows me so I shouldn't give a fuck which is good I'm guessing. I haven't felt like myself in a long time maybe 3 or 4 years now I always thought it was the feeling of being loved, but I've dated and fucked my good share of chicks so I don't know if I'm trying to fill a void or I just don't give a flying fuck.

Whenever I am on facebook I search for a certain female and then I go to her profile and then click message, I type the message and then I never send it I just sit there with the message typed up and ready to go instead I erase the message and then the next day I type the same thing and then never send it. I'm not scared of her or anything it's just that she's ignored me for about almost a year and I don't know why especially after she confessed to me that she wanted a relationship with me wither it was a sexual one or emotional I don't know. So lately I haven't cared much for being nice to the opposite sex I call them whores, cunts, sluts, bitches and anything else you can think of cause I don't care for being the nice guy oh and a certain chick I know has been pestering me to give her some dick. She's been chasing after me since my junior year of high school and I've been almost 3 years out of high school and she still hasn't given up which is crazy to say the least also she hit me up yesterday. She wanted to go and fuck her, but I turned her down (insert your rage and any stupid comments here) Fuck off I said, "No" cause I felt like playing it cool and ignoring her I mean the ball is in my court and I'm trying to manipulate her.

This brandy sucks, but also rum is a good.

*sips rum* I wonder what I'll say about this post tomorrow...I'm impaired so I think typing all this shit is a good idea, but sober and clear thought me will probably be annoyed due to the fact I typed out most of this shit. If you read this will good for you. Laugh if you want or sympathize with me.

I wonder what time I'll sleep around tonight


So it's Saturday and I have done nothing, but play Fifa and watch That 70's Show and I only slept 2 hours today which is a normal and I feel great now I either have to find something to do tonight or I'll just stay at home and just watch Netflix. I wish I had more to talk about, but honestly my mind is drawing a blank on anything and my train of thought is so far off the rail road I'll probably have more to type about later or tomorrow.
Till later...In the mean time I'll leave you with this.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I hope someone gets my

Message in a bottle...I've been listening to 80's classics all day and most of The Police songs have been stuck in my head which has been awesome, but um today was a simple and hot day I had to deal with a lot of drama that didn't belong to me. Helping people that have relationship problems sucks cause first of all I don't want to deal with their shit and second they yell to much which is extremely annoying, but yeah today was normal as every single day. I took my brother to school then I got home and watched Fifa Live Streams which is usually the highlight of any day now tomorrow I should record some Fifa game play so I can post on Thursday I also cracked 800 Views which was awesome. I'm not sure if I should ask for help from big fifa channels or I should try on my own to get subscribers and owe no one nothing if I ever become a bigger commentator in the community if you know what I mean. I just hope I can entertain people cause that is always my main goal I mean when I watch peoples commentaries I feel entertained and I know that's exactly what commentator's want from their viewers .

So I ended up getting distracted from writing this blog post cause I ended up playing fifa and I lost my train of thought lmao so I'll end my post here tell tomorrow.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Why must I neglect my blog

I hate the fact that I usually neglect it...I hate my facebook cause most of the people who I know irl are complete morons and it ends up transitioning onto facebook and I have to read all the stupid nonsense and I hate that. I usually keep in contact with a few people from high school and 1 chick I actually had a crush on the 10th Grade still talks to me and the funny thing is she broke up with he ex bf, but she liked the idea of me being there to listen to her. We would flirt, I'd cheer her up and we actually went on a date yet for some odd reason she ignored me and I'm not going to sit here and act clueless the chick used me as an emotional crutch which is fine cause it doesn't bother me. I ended up spazzing on facebook cause I don't like the people I know and honestly I would tell them any day of the week that I hate them right to there faces, but I don't hang out with them so facebook is close enough. I pretty much pissed off a ton of people which was fine with me yet it got to the point where women I would talk to no longer talked to me and I actually ended up getting some nasty hate msgs which were funny to read due to the fact some of these people can spell to save their life.

So now moving forward I actually got my HDPVR like a month ago and I've been recording Fifa 12 Commentary it's tough cause when I need to record footage, render a HD copy of the footage, then edit the footage into less than 10 mins of footage then I render that. Then I have to record the commentary and then I must go back and fix the audio and add it to my footage then I have to render another video, but this time it is the final copy which I upload to my youtube channel. I only have 5 Subscribers and a combined 791 views on my videos. I'm a small channel and I know being a known commentator in the Fifa Community is going to extremely tough I just feel a bit down when I don't see more likes on my video of positive comments or some criticism which will help me out. I don't want to whore my channel out for subs or likes I just want a mini fan base I want people to look forward to enjoying my commentaries, I want to entertain people who enjoy this and ultimately I make myself proud. I do my commentaries cause I enjoy it and this is something I would very much love to do I'm absolutely passionate about this cause I'm spending my money on doing this. I need to work harder and never lose focus cause I sometimes get lazy, but then again we all get a bit lazy at times.

I guess I'm just bummed out cause I wish I had some fans or at least more people to talk about Fifa with cause I'm an extremely nerdy person and I love having a great chat about playing Fifa, but honestly I rarely have fifa talks with anyone. I don't know if I talk a lot or if I'm annoying which is a problem cause I'd be fine with being 1 of those things rather than be both of those things. I'll leave my recent commentary posted under all this. If you watch it thank you and enjoy.
P.S. I'm going to blog more I really have a lot to get off my chest