Monday, June 18, 2012


I'm going to stop talking to the girl that I've had a huge crush on since High School she doesn't need a loser like me in her life, I should focus on just getting my life straightened out...I'm so fucking sleepy right now...and I got my friend angry.

I'm a prick...No wonder no one likes me or can't stand me after awhile.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

History Repeats Itself

I am terrible at starting conversations, but um my saturday I spent all day thinking about my ex's and how every single one of them is faker than the last which has been funny to think about and I know I should say things like that, but it's true. Now I am thinking about how much of a dull person I am cause I can't hold long conversations with people which makes me sad cause when I really need to talk I have no one to talk to which is cool since I'm not going to pester people into talking to me. Honestly I find it difficult to talk to people cause I usually have lots to talk to about and they usually don't I guess it's just in my personality to talk a lot and now that I think about it I pretty lonely. Mom told me something today that shocked me and the first time she told me I thought she was joking, but she told me again today and I laughed about it yet in the back of my mind I was saying she's serious which hurts me. I kind of want to reactivate my facebook cause I want some interaction with people I know, but in reality I know that I'm expecting too much from people I know lol the people I "know" are all selfish and stupid.

I'm just going to keep it all in and see when will it all come pouring out.